December Update

I've been wanting badly to get a new release out for feedback and some perspective. It's very close at this point, but I did add one more big thing that's caused delay.

Rex is the newly playable third character! He makes traps and hits things with a stop sign. Hit Puddle Trap with lightn...

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Boosting Battles: combos, pouncing, bombs and movement

I've been updating battles a lot.

Combos! Comboing Lil' J's lightning strike with Pug in her JARPUG stance results in STRIKE ROCKET.

Also: these videos span a good year of progress, and the UI changed a lot during that time! Hopefully for the better!

I've had the goal of dynamic m...

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Yes, JARPUG is coming to SteamVR
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The Road to Pet Hell

I've been meaning to post more short-form blog posts for a while, as I've not managed to post the longer dev logs I'm used to. It's time for some catchup, though! I've been working on Pet Hell for a while now. Here's a year or so of progress on that.


Get ready for a lot of tweets.

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JARPUG alpha 0.3 is out!

Download JARPUG alpha 0.3 for Oculus Rift here!

The JARPUG alpha 0.3 flat test demo (non-VR!) is also out!


Fancy new attack! Not pictured: dodges now show a dotted line the for the new partial dodge success zone. I didn't record a new gif for that.

This added a new tower and blimp to climb,...

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Cloudbase Prime's Nintendo Switch release date!

Cloudbase Prime is coming to Nintendo Switch May 7, 2020! This is so exciting that I would use marquee tags if they were still supported.

You may gaze upon the Nintendo eShop page now, if you wish. But it would be cool if you also went back there on May 7th.

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JARPUG alpha 0.2 is out!

You can get JARPUG alpha 0.2 on now! It's certainly later than I'd planned.

While it's true that babies are hard, I also had another distraction: Cloudbase Prime is coming to the Nintendo Switch! I'll be focusing on that porting work for the immediate future, so JARPUG development w...

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Cloudbase Prime is coming to the Nintendo Switch!

Early 2020!

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