July-August 2019 Devlog


I spent a week on this. Oops.


I was hoping to have the next release of JARPUG out by August! It's no longer August. Sorry about that! I was intentionally unambitious with that schedule, but it wasn't enough time. I forgot to p...

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June 2019 Devlog: BABIES AND SCOOTIN'

A slightly early new baby and an Early Access release. That was busy!

And then: the work of iterating on pitches to try and get JARPUG on the Oculus Quest. I was programming and artin' and all that, too. But it was a week or two or more of slide work taking up much of my work time, with several...

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JARPUG's Early Access Release is out!

JARPUG alpha 0.1 is on itch.io now!

There's also a free demo!

JARPUG is currently very cheap. It's Early Access and I plan on continuing to update it until it's Done, but I don't want to charge more than it's currently worth, either.

The current build is about half an hour...

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March-April 2019 Devlog: Still releasing in Spring!

Battles and story segments are nearing (early) release readiness! As is the rest of the game.

I've got a basic StoryEvent system working pretty well for conversations! StoryEvent is a simple chainable event that can be triggered by time, players, or whatever I need to set it off later. There wil...

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Jan-Feb 2019 Devlog

I'm trying to get a public demo of JARPUG out within the next few months. That means it's time to start making content! I've done a lot of art and level production pipeline work. It's fun and I'm feeling like I'm ready to go full speed on this thing. Hopefully that pans out.

The Great Indoors

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Nov-Dec 2018 Devlog: Holidaze

The holidays are a rough time for work. Weddings, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years: it's been a travelsome couple of months. It's been a delightful couple of months.

The time was sparse on devlogs, but not on dev.

Treasure! Ironing out items and UI.

Pug can now pick up items from contai...

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October 2018 Devlog: DOG FASHION

I started this milestone just wanting one thing: to put a scarf on a pug.

I did it.

Playing with cloth in Unity, and making it performant, took some learning but is easy to get quick at. In Unity, cheap cloth simulation requires that you manually pick a few capsule or sphere colliders for your...

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Septober 2018 Devlog: Editland

"September" Devlog. Ideally this would go up nearer the end of September than the middle of October. SEPTOBER IT IS. I was supposed to buckle down and work on JARPUG's level editor. And I did!

But my game design and development workflow changed. My todo list got fat.

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